Celebrate Christmas at one of the contractor cafetaria in Abu Dhabi
There are many holidays towards the end of the year. We have the Awal Ramadhan,Christmas and New Year day.Both Awal Ramadhan and New Year are declared holiday.However Christmas is a working day in UAE.Some private companies do give leave to their Christian staff to celebrate the ocassion.
Most shopping centre in Abu Dhabi are well decorated and lighted up for the festival.Attended a Christmas gathering organised by one of our contractor on Christmas day.Malaysian food were being served there and there were also Christmas events and songs played to entertain the guests.
Attended the New Year celebration at one of the hotel pub in the city where liqour are readily available.Scantily clads Filipinos dancers and singers performed every night at the pub where almost one third of the crowds are from Malaysia.
This year there is no fireworks display for the countdown to the new year as most of the Arab states included UAE have decided to forgo the celebration as a mark of respect for the Palestines whose land are being bombarded by the Israel.
Early morning in Abu Dhabi could be very cold and sometimes you will experienced thick fog which enveloped the city.Visibilty is so bad that some flight to Abu Dhabi airport have to be diverted.
Most shopping centre in Abu Dhabi are well decorated and lighted up for the festival.Attended a Christmas gathering organised by one of our contractor on Christmas day.Malaysian food were being served there and there were also Christmas events and songs played to entertain the guests.
Attended the New Year celebration at one of the hotel pub in the city where liqour are readily available.Scantily clads Filipinos dancers and singers performed every night at the pub where almost one third of the crowds are from Malaysia.
This year there is no fireworks display for the countdown to the new year as most of the Arab states included UAE have decided to forgo the celebration as a mark of respect for the Palestines whose land are being bombarded by the Israel.
Early morning in Abu Dhabi could be very cold and sometimes you will experienced thick fog which enveloped the city.Visibilty is so bad that some flight to Abu Dhabi airport have to be diverted.